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What Is A Passive Income Machine?

Let’s face it, we all want to make money online don’t we? We’ve seen the claims and it all looks so easy…

“Make a million dollars a week working 1 hours a day”

Yep, looks pretty simple to me… WRONG. It’s not that simple because if it was, everyone would be doing it.

Just like starting any other business, it takes time, effort, focus, action, dedication, passion and an unwavering belief in yourself to make it work for you.

No matter what any of the online marketing guru’s say.

It seems that the online marketing holy grail is the ability to create “passive income” for yourself through adapting one or a few online business models.

What is passive income? I hear you ask. Well, according to Wikipedia, passive income is defined as…

“…unearned income that is acquired automatically with minimal labor to earn or maintain.”

In the internet marketing world, passive income is income that can be generated automatically “while you sleep” (yes, how many times have you heard that phrase?).

In essence, you set up a system or a process up front that can then run automatically thereafter only requiring you to oversee and maintain freeing you up to do other things.

It sounds great in theory but how does it work in the real world?

Okay… First of all, let’s explore the concept of the Passive Income Machine for a little bit.

It’s safe to say that there are many, many ways that you can make money online.

Now, some ways are very simple in their structure and some are very complicated. Some ways require little to no money to get started while others require quite a substantial investment to get going.

Personally I see all of these “business models” as like cogs in a large machine that generates a continuous income for the owner.

All of these cogs are interchangeable and no two passive income machines are the same. They are as individual as the people who create them.

This is what is all about.

Whether you’re talking about affiliate marketing, lead generation, pay-per-click advertising, adsense, rank and rent, dropshipping, PLR (the list goes on and on)…

They are all cogs in the machine and they will all get a mention on Passive Income Machine.

Whether you are just starting out on your internet marketing journey or, you have some online marketing experience behind you, Passive Income Machine will give you all the information you need to make sense of this crazy and ever-changing world of making money online.

All you need to do is take your first step… NOW!

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Passive Income Machine

Hello World! What Is Passive Income Machine All About?

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